If you're looking for a place to plot and sit on weekends, with the specific intent of getting aways from all those chores that are staring at you back home, then SRCA is certainly the place for you. But for those who like a little more activity, our Recreation Committee goes above and beyond to provide a variety of things to do. If you look at our Events Calendar on the Home page, you'll see that every weekend has something on the schedule. The following provides examples of the kinds of activities that scheduled at SRCA.

Christmas In July
For one weekend in July, SRCA is transformed into a Christmas wonderland. Members decorate their lots to celebrate the holiday. It's fun to decorate, but it's also fun to jump in your golf cart and tour the campground, and see all the decorations.
Toy Raffle
Christmas just wouldn't be the same without a visit from Santa, and that's what happens at the toy raffle. Every child in attendance gets to have lunch with Santa and receive a special toy donated by members.
Crafts Galore
On a regular basis, craft activities are organized for both children and the whole family. It may be creating a speical gift for Mom or Dad, or tie/dying shirts for the whole family, but in the end, everyone leaves with a personal treasure.
Fishing Contest
Once or twice a season, we scheulde a fishing contest. Everyone is encouraged to participate, with prizes given away in various categories for the largest catch. The campgournd springs for hot dogs, so even if you don't catch anything, you're not going away hungry.
You better get there early, because you're going to want a good seat during this event. An auctioneer brings in a variety of treasures, some practical and some not so much, and members bid on the items. The way the auction is set up, you may lose the bid, but still get the treasure. It's easy to get caught up in the bidding frenzy, so it's possible you may leave with a treasure you really didn't need.
Craft & Vendor Show
It's exactly what you think. Once a year we invite members with talent, and outside vendors to display their wares.One never knows what might be found at this event.
Yard Sale
Throughout the season, we have yards scheduled so that you can share your treasures with the other members in the campground. Remember all those great purchases you made at the auction that didn't work exactly as you planned. Well, that's what yard sales are for.
Teens vs Adults
Teens never miss a chance to show up the old man, whether it be softball, kickball or horseshoes. We schedule just enough competition that the adults can show them who's boss without getting too tired.
Golf League
If golf is your thing, then you can meet your fellow members every Friday to share your passion. The league travels to a different course every week. Attendance is optional, so you come when you can.
Memorial Day
Every year we honor those who have served with a ceremony and a golf cart parade. Members decorate their golf carts to commemorate the day. It's just our way of saying thank you.
Chili Cook-Off
Dig out your best chili recipe, cook up a batch and bring it to the Rec Hall. We'll let the members decide who makes the best chili in the land. The winner gets bragging rights for the year.
Car Cruise
Nothing like a casual stroll down memory lane when SRCA sponsors a car cruise at the ballfield. Food is available and prizes are awarded in different categories.
Corn Roast
When corn is at its peak, we go to the local farmer and buy a truckload of corn. Everyone gathers at the Rec Hall to for a buttery ear of corn on the cob.
Golf Cart Obstacle Course
No, it's not a test you need to pass to get you golf cart driver's license, but it does provide the opportunity to test you skills without doing any damage.
Duck Dash
It's just like the Kentucky Derby only with ducks. You pick a duck and then cheer it on as the ducks float down Slippery Rock Creek to the finish line. Sometimes it's a little hard to follow your favorite since there are hundreds of ducks on the water and they're all yellow.
Easter Egg Hunt
It's early in the season, but we still have a traditional Easter Egg hunt Great fun for the kids.
Meetings? We're Campin'
SRCA is a member owned campground that is governed by a Board of Directors, with support from a variety of committees and volunteers. If you are so inclined, you can join a committee or sit on the Board and help guide the association.
Family Paint Day
Campers with and campers without talent are summoned to the Rec Hall to display their artistic skills in the Family Paint Day. Beginning with a blank canvas each future Norman Rockwell is guided through an artful creation. Lunch is included as well. Everyone goes home happy with a masterpiece to hang on the wall.
Bingo / Super Bingo
If you love bingo, then you'll love SRCA. Throughout the season, there is at least one bingo, and usulaly two every week. Winnings vary based upon the number of attendees, but all of the money collected is distributed as prizes. Twice a year, we have a Super Bingo. Admission is by tickiet only, at a cost of around $20.00, and the winning pots are big. You have to buy your tickets early for this event.
Dances / Entertainment
Just about every Saturday night, the Rec Hall is rockin' with some type of entertainment. It could a live band, DJ, Elvis impersonator or a hypnotist. On occastion, we'll have something like a mystery dinner or Night At The Races. The Recreation Committee does a spectacular job providing an excellent schedule of evening events.
Family Fun Day
One weekend in the July, the carnival comes to SRCA. We have rides, games and food vendors that the whole family will enjoy. Except for the food, everything is free.
Chocolate Slip-n-Slide
Here's the deal. We lay out this big long plastic runway down Golf Cart Hill, cover it with chocolate pudding, and let you slide down as fast as you can. What could possibly go wrong.
Campground Water Battle
We fill the hay wagon with lots of kids, arm them with water cannon and drive them around the campground seeking those who would do them battle. Lurking in the bushes are fellow campers ready to pounce. The end result is everyone gets wet and a great time is had by all.
SRCA Float
Members are shuttled up the Slippery Rock Creek about three miles and then have a leisurely float down the creek. If the weather is nice, nothing beats it.
Slippery Rock Creek
It's a wonderful resource that runs along the border of campground. You can fish it, swim in it, float down it, or just stare at it, all at your leisure
Youth Specific Stuff
One of the things that makes this campground great are the families. We take pride in our efforts to provide a variety of activities directed at the youth. Crafts, bingo, movie night, teen swims, Trick or Treat, and theme parties are just some of the things on the schedule. Besides, we all know the joys of dealing with a child that's bored, but that doesn't happen here.
Youth Trout Day
The camping gets off to an early start when the main pond is stocked with trout and the campground sponsors a youth fishing clinic.
Scavenger Hunt
Who doesn't love a good scavenger hunt. Armed with a list of treasures to procure, teams are sent off to find those treasures throughout the park.
On major holiday weekends, there is always a bonfire at the ballfield.
Kickin' Back
Sometimes you just come to camp to do nothing. That may involve, sitting around a fire, riding around in your golf cart, staring at the sunset on golf cart hill, or just sittin'. The activity is available 24/7.
Halloween Dance
The Rec Hall is transformed into a ghostly hall for the final event of the season. Prizes are awarded in various categories for both the adults and children.
Mini Golf Tournament
We've have the course, so why not have a tournament. Competition is fierce and the prizes are just too extravagant to describe here. You can even bring your own caddy and putter.
Birthday Celebration
SRCA has been around a long time, so it's important to celebrate our birthday. The best way we know to do that is with fireworks.
Polar Bear Plunge
It's a little tough to do in the Summer, but we roust the kids out early in the morning, and have them take a dip in the pool. Yes, the pool is heated, but in the early morning, it doesn't feel like it. The event ends with everyone getting a well-deserved cup of hot chocolate.
Road Trip
Every once in a while we venture off-site to partake of some new adventure. It may be something a simple a short ride down to the local Alpaca farm, or an extended bus ride to the casino in Erie. Whatever it is, if we can get a few people to go, we're off.