Frequently Asked Questions
When is the pool open?
The pool is officially open Memorial Day through Labor Day. However, it is usually kept open until Mid-September, depending upon the weather. Hours are from 11:00AM to 8:00PM or dusk, whichever comes first.
The pools does not have lights, so we are not able to keep the pool open after dusk.
If I decide to leave, will the Association buy back my membership?
The Association does not buy back memberships. The memberships/trailers can be listed on our website or on any open market. On average, we see about 60 memberships transferred to new families each year, that's about a 5% turnover. Once families are here, they tend to stay.
Are dogs allowed in the campground?
Dogs are permitted in the campground. There are no restrictions on size or breed of the dog, but All pets are required to have a rabies vaccination as appropriate and must be kept on a leash when outside the member’s lot.
Is the campground open all year round?
Members have access to the campground year-round, with the following limitations. Between December 15th and March 1, members may only stay over-night a maximum of three (3) nights per week. Further, if the member is not present during this same time period, hoses must be disconnected from the trailers. Also, members are not permitted to use heat tape on their outside hoses at any time.
Why do I have late fees?
SRCA RULES POLICY 1: Membership dues are payable on October 1. Payment in full must be received or postmarked on or before December 31. Thereafter, there will be a $25.00 late charge assessed the first day of each month until the account is paid in full. If the membership dues are not paid by April 1, gate fobs will be deactivated.
I'd like to receive a receipt back in the mail after I've had my payment applied to my account. How can I do that?
Include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment and we will mail you your receipt!