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Association Lots


Yogi Bear Blvd

Corner lot on the right going up Yogi above the ponds.
TF - OK to list - corner lot, clean, needs gravel.
ce - ok to list, no gravel

Hot Springs Ave

On the left hand side going down Hot Springs, very steep hill
TF - Do not List - big hill

Hot Springs Ave

On the left hand side going down Hot Springs, very steep hill
TF - Do not List - big hill

Hot Springs Ave

On the left hand side going down Hot Springs, very steep hill, trees
TF - Do not List - big hill

Evergreen Lane

Next to A bath house on left side.
A57 - Do not list - big hill, lots of trees
ce - ok to rent, but not to sell

Bear Paw Pass

Just above maintenance building area on Bear Paw
TF - OK to list - needs gravel and cleanup, level

Beaver Pass

Across from maintenance building on Beaver Pass
TF - OK to list - needs gravel and cleanup
ce - needs sign, ok to list

Buffalo Pass

Half way up Buffalo Pass on right
TF - Do not list - hilly, bad shape

Waterfall Street

Directly below the pond on the right.
TF - Do not list - trees
jcm - this is not even a lot.
ce - keep at common ground, do not list

Bear Paw Pass

wooded area on the left going up Bear Paw
TF - Do not list - hilly, trees
jcm - wooded area, no potential
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